
‘a fast paced thriller. The author is a good storyteller, keeping the suspense throughout.’ [Invisible]


A delightful discovery

Posted on Jul 28, 2016 in East Grinstead Bookshop | 2 Comments

Today two books arrived through the post (neither from Amazon, by the way) – and that was lovely. But still there is nothing like a real live second-hand or antiquarian book shop to get my pulse racing. I visited two splendid ones earlier this week. One was the East Grinstead Bookshop, new to me, which […]

Books set in universities: more cross-blogging

Posted on Jul 15, 2016 in Uncategorized | 19 Comments

Time for another list. My good friend, Moira (, and I are sharing eight of our favourite novels set in universities and colleges. Here are mine: Josephine Tey, Miss Pym Disposes (1947). Not just one of my favourite novels set in a college, but one of my favourite novels, full stop. I will be astonished […]

Book-lovers! Serial monogamy or a more free-wheeling approach?

Are you a serial monogamist or do you like to have several books on the go at the same time? For myself, I am rarely reading just one book. Sometimes I must admit that I spread myself too thin. Here’s a snapshot of what I am reading at the moment. I am approaching the halfway […]

The Consolation of Art

These are dark days. I was in London when the results of the referendum came out. I was still reeling with shock and dismay that afternoon when I went to the Sunken Cities: Egypt’s Lost Worlds exhibition at the British Museum. For an hour and a half I lost myself in this wonderful exhibition. The […]