
‘absorbing second mystery . . . stunning resolution.’ [Stage Fright]


The book I wish I had written (and the one I did write)

It’s always a thrill when publication day arrives. All the hard work and waiting is over and here at last is the book! Plans for a launch are in progress, but meanwhile, I’m a guest today on Sue Hepworth’s splendid blog, Fragments from a Writer’s Life, and you can go to to hear about what I’m reading at the moment,  the book I wish I had written, the book I am most embarrassed at not having read and more.

Sue and I are having a lunch together today and it’s not beyond the bounds of possibility that a glass will be raised . . .


  1. Helen
    November 17, 2017

    Many congratulations Chrissie, please chink glaases with me virtually.. give my best wishes to Sue, really looking forward to her talking about her book at the Sheffield psychiatrist trainees book club!

  2. Margot Kinberg
    November 17, 2017

    Congratulations and well done, Christine!! Very excited for you! Wishing you much success!


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