
Invisible is a great thriller. I can’t say too much more about the plot because the twists and turns are the whole point of reading a book that wrong foots the reader at every turn . . . Christine Poulson kept me reading by giving out just enough information to intrigue and puzzle so that I had to read just one more chapter. That’s why, in the end, I just dropped everything else and read the last half of Invisible in one sitting.’


The Japanese have a word for it . . .

Posted on Dec 31, 2015 in Ella Frances Sanders | No Comments

517zhEeaATL._AA160_Tsundoku means ‘leaving a book unread after buying it, typically piled up with other unread books.’ I don’t know how I have done without this word. I discovered it in Lost in Translation: An Illustrated Compendium of Untranslatable Words from around the World by Ella Frances Sanders. I got this book for Christmas and there are other gems in it. Iktsuarpok (illustrated in the cover of the book) is an Inuit word meaning ‘the act of repeatedly going outside to check if some (anyone) is coming.’ Goya is an Urdu word meaning ‘a transporting suspension of disbelief  – an “as-if” that feels like reality – such as in good storytelling.’

That is what I shall be aiming for in 2016. For my readers I wish all that you wish for yourself and many happy hours of reading.


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